God Zooms.

"Hey Mark." he says from my personal Zoom room. I didn't even know that Zoom was on.

"This isn't Zoom," he anticipates my response. "It's a Nextcloud Talk chat."

"Oh, Hi God." I didn't even know that Nextcloud Talk was open, but He is a great hacker. I let it go. "What's up?"

"I have a suggestion for you."

"Done." I say.

"You are very receptive today." he says.

"Oh." I'm never sure if a conversation with God really is a conversation, or if he is somehow leading my responses. I steal myself to be less receptive. "It might be the weather."

"Why don't you try to post a blog post every Wednesday for a year?" He suggests.

"That seems an oddly specific suggestion." I say.

"Like when that weird lady you wife had been talking to you ambushed you with a conversation that she concluded with her helpful opinion that eight times a year was way too frequent for a monthly seminar?"

"You said it, not me. But, yeah– exactly– the same sort of odd as conversations with her." I say. "I wonder why Monday wouldn't be a better day, or whether 'until the end of your sabbatical' wouldn't be a more manageable period."

"Oh yeah," He says to Himself, "I forgot he was on sabbatical then."

"What?" I ask. "Are you talking to someone else?"

"Just answering some prayers." He says. "Monday is fine. I just think you'll find that you end up doing it on Wednesdays."

And so I am posting this on a Wednesday. Let's see if I post anything the next couple of Wednesdays.

"Oh," he says. "Why don't you try to start replacing some of the shite photos you have on you blog with AI generated photos."

"What is that?"

"You'll see."