Bad dough!
Lucy and I are alone for the week while Eunjoo is up in Seoul. Lucy is excited, because she thinks this means nothing but bagels, scones, pancakes, and pizza. She doesn't really like eating the scones, pancakes, and pizza; but she likes making them. That's our activity for the week, because it is too cold, and we are too sick, to go outside. For meals, it's just bagels and cream cheese. Or so Lucy thinks.
Poor deluded child. When Eunjoo isn't around, I just eat cookies.
We mix the dough for the pizza. Lucy loves this part. Of course she does, it's the messiest part. We put the dough in a bowl on the ground and take turns punching it.
"Bad dough!" we yell. Whack, whack!
"Hey, Lucy. It's sticking." I say, "What do we need when the dough is sticky?"
"More flour!" Lucy yells. Sticking her fists into the flour jar. And then: "Bad dough!"
When the dough is good and beat, we wash our hands and I ask Lucy if she wants to help cut up the vegetables.
"I have to do my homework, Daddy."
"You have homework?"
"Yeah. It makes me so angry. "
It's time to send this little girl to school.