I think perhaps the most stressful thing in a person's life is driving and parking. That or going to Costco, or editing a math journal. But the worst part of both of those things is the driving, so yeah, the most stressful thing in a persons life is the driving.

And it isn't really the driving. That's fine. It's the other drivers. It's the drivers sitting at a green light looking at their phone, or double parking outside a store on a busy street.

Putting hazard lights on does not give you free reign to block traffic as you will!

And maybe it isn't even really them. It's that when they are oblivious, I have to yell and swear at them. And I don't like swearing, as you all know.

The most stressful thing in the world is having to yell and swear at other drivers.

Thankfully, I have a new way to avoid it; when Lisa is in the car with me, that is.

As we get in the car, I check she's ready, "Is you ready to shake your fist, Lisa?"

She shows me her angry little fist waving back and forth.

As soon as we go pull traffic there is a taxi blocking the first lane. Not letting someone out; just sitting there in case someone happens by.

"Taxi on the right, Lisa!"

"Over here?" She doesn't know right and left in English.

"Yep. Shake your fist at him!"

And she does.

"Shake it angrily!"

She gives a little growl as she shakes it.

And she has taken care of it. I don't have to swear.

Rather her growling as she shakes her cute little fist at him makes me laugh.

"He saw it Daddy!" she adds, "He knows he did wrong."

Lisa shakes her fist at 6 more people in the 15 minute drive, and we arrive stress-free.

Now if only I could get het to shake her fist at people who say they will review an article, then never do so, and stop responding to emails.