God: Hi Mark.
Me: Hi. What's up?
G: I was just reading your blog.
M: No you weren't.
G: Got me there. But I did notice you've been writing a lot of things about Lucy lately.
M: She says some funny things.
G: Yep. But the blog isn't really about her, is it?
M: As much as it is about anything.
G: But it has changed in tone.
M: Yeah?
G: Yeah.
M: So I've changed the colour of the entries about Lucy.
G: Meaning they are different?
M: Yeah. Kinda.
G: You did that with a new css class?
M: Yep.
G: Why don't you use HTML5?
M: I'm not sure that I need anything it lets me do.
G: What about videos?
M: It still seems like some work. You have to put the videos in different formats for different browsers, or something.
G: What do you care about that? Your website renders like shit in IE6. It isn't even W3C compliant.
M: I don't have time for that.
G: You don't have time to write a blog either, but you do it. If you do it, why not do it right.
M: You seem to be really into programming type things, all of a sudden.
G: I'm into everything.
M: You sure are, brother.
G: I guess it doesn't matter though.
M: Why not?
G: In a couple of years you will change it all over to a blogging platform?
M: Paid? Unlikely.
G: Self-hosted. Containerized on a server in your office.
M: Wow! Cool.
G: Yeah. Pretty cool, brother.