God: Hey Mark.
Me: God. Long time no see.
G: Yeah, it's been a while.
M: Speaking of 'no see', can you do video?
G: I can and I can't. I'm running Linux now, and there are no drivers for my webcam. I can get some functionality through gspca, but it doesn't look so good.
M: It's choppy?
G: No, but it can't dampen my aura... take a look.

A video window opens up, but all I get is an unearthly brightness. Heavenly brightness. I shut down the window.

M: Wow. That's your aura? It's way brighter than it used to be.
G: I'm in heaven now. So I'm in my natural state-- glowing.
M: Oh. You just take on earthly form when you are here? I didn't know you did that.
G: Yep.
M: Can't you just 'let there be a webcam driver'?
G: Of course. But... you know... licensing.
M: Oh. Anyways. How long have you been back in heaven?
G: A couple of months. I had some things to take care of.
M: Like the volcano in Indonesia?
G: No. I'm pretty hands off with terrestrial things now. It was Heaven stuff.
M: Jesus misbehaving? Don't give him a birthday present tomorrow.
G: Ha Ha. No, just some angel in-fighting. Not something I really want to get into.

Suddenly I loose all interest in that.

G: Are you going to be in Daegu for New Year's?
M: No. We're going up to Seoul. Why?
G: Actually you won't be going until after New Year's. But that doesn't matter. I am going to be in Daejeon for an exhibition. I'll be showing some of my pictures--
M: Photos?

G: Yeah. I was thinking of popping by and seeing my god-daughter.
M: Well Seoul is the same distance from Daejon as Daegu is. Why don't you come by Seoul?
G: Maybe. It isn't really about distance for me.
M: Oh yeah. Then why does it matter at all that you are in Korea?
G: Some things matter. But you wouldn't understand.
M: Try me.
G: You wouldn't. You have more chance of getting that Ramsey problem you are stuck on.
M: You couldn't give me a hint on that, could you? Something from The Book...
G: Sure. You should try it probabilistically.
M: But the point is to get an explicit construction. It's already known with a random construction.
G: I know Mark. But that's my hint.
M: You mean just derandomise the BDKS construction?
G: No Mark. But I've gotta get going-- the angels are fighting. See you in Seoul.
M: Okay. See you.