I'm sitting on the tram on the way to work. I'm reading a short story by Truman Capote, and ignoring the people around me- they aren't important. A man come and asks me if I know where Hradcanska square is, I tell him that I think it's in Hradcanska. Apparently he knew this, and doesn't feel it helps. He asks if I'm Czech. I have to admit that I'm not. He moves on, and I go back to ignoring him.

The lady behind me asks what the man was looking for. I tell her. She asks me if he was speaking English. I tell her that he was speaking mostly Czech, but that he does speak English. She then says a lot more which I cannot understand. I smile and say that I think its in Hradcanska. She goes to explain to him how to find the square, and I go back to ignoring her.

I smell pumpkin. Sweet ripe pumpkin. I realise that I've been smelling it for some time, and the smell is coming from the man sitting in front of me. I whack him on the head with my book and remind him that Halloween is over. Then I get off the tram and go back to ignoring the people who I've left behind.