I'm in line at the Andel Tesco.  It's a long line. Probably 20 people long.   They like doing this at the Tesco, they want you to earn the right to buy their granola and produce.  

As I get to the front, one of those grubby guys that hangs out outside the Andel Tesco comes up  with a couple of things in his hand, and asks me to let him go in front of me.  

"I only have a couple of things." he explains.

"I only have a couple of things." I show him.

"I have less." He says.  

"I'm not sure that you have enough less to warrent you going to the front of the line that I have waited in for 10 minutes."

"What would make you sure?"

"I can't let you in front of me."

"But there are so many people in the line."

"I know.  That's the point. I can't let  you in front of all those people, it isn't up to me."

"I just want to go in front of you."

"How about this? You go to the back of the line, and ask each person to let you in front of them.  If you get up here before I check out, I will let you go in front of me."

He said something in Czech that I didn't get, and went to the next line to ask the person in front to let him in.  

I don't know.  I was just trying to make friends.  I'm going to ask them to teach me some curse words in my Czech lessons.