I am walking across campus with my wife. She says ,"Let's take the shortcut." I say okay and keep walking the way we are going. I know which way she wants to go, but I also know that it is not a shortcut. It is, if anything, a long-cut. Her shortcuts are almost never shortcuts. She uses the word 'shortcut' for any path that is not the obvious path; and usually, 'obvious path' means most direct path. So why does she prefer her shortcuts? She has noticed a different way, and somehow believes that different is better.

It is not just routes. She will wash floors with shampoo, because no one else does.

Me: Shampoo is for hair. Why would you not use this tile cleaner?
EJ: Shampoo is made to be soft on hair-- it will be soft on the floors. Tile cleaner will scratch them.

She uses body wash for shampoo, hydro-cortisone for body-wash, deet for rashes, and floor cleaner for mosquito bites. I don't question it anymore.

She has just come back from visiting her mom in Seoul. She is laughing as she is telling me the story of how when she was sitting with her mother in the park, she smelled fish. They couldn't figure out where it was coming from until Lucy said that it was coming from Grandma. Like Eunjoo, her mother will massage her face with anything. It turns out that she had massaged her face with Omega-3 before going out to the park.

My wife is cackling as she tells the story, but as she is laughing, I can tell that she is thinking that Omega-3 is probably really good for the skin. She is wishing that she had thought of it.