We go to Kwang-ju for the lunar new year.

We are supposed to visit family for the four day weekend. My family, of course, doesn't play that game, and my wife doesn't always feel like dealing with her family, so sometimes we just pick another place to visit.

Usually we pick a smaller place, by mountains or a beach, but Lisa wanted to go to a zoo, so Kwang-ju it is.

It's maybe the fifth or sixth biggest city in Korea. In the province, Cholla-buk-do. This is over the Jiri-san mountain range from Daegu, so the two and a half hour drive offers some beautiful scenery.

The highways are bitter-sweet. They give you easy view of some spectacular valleys and mountain villages, but also, I can help feeling for the people in this villages whose idyllic view has been scarred by a cement line, raised on 50 meters tall cement pillars, running across the sky.

I bring coffee when I travel now. My beans and a grinder, and my Hario V60.

You are thinking; "And filters, right?"

Nope. I realised this morning that I had forgot to bring any filters.

Here's the point though.

Rinse out a wet tissue, and it does a decent job.

Looking online while I write this, this dude suggests using a sock.

The draw with the wet tissue takes about the same time as it does with a filter. I thought it would be faster, so used a finer grind than usual, but the second time, with my usual ground was better.