We are on a plane from Haneda to Matsue.  

The guy in front of me is bald but wearing a mesh cap.  It irks me.  Not only is it a fashion faux-pas, it is a killer sunburn waiting to happen.

I can't see much of the woman beside him but she has great arms, and the longest slenderest fingers anyone has ever had. Every time she touches her screen,  I hold my breath,  fearing her fingers will break. They are like dandelion stalks pressing on a glass prison.

She starts playing candy crush, or something like it.  She has to manipulate coloured blocks on her phone into gaps between other coloured blocks.  I don't think she is going to be able to do it,  how can one manipulate anything with a handful of dandelion stalks. But the blocks keep falling into holes and exploding.

She taps the screen, and I wince. Mesh-sunburn takes a sharp breath. But the fingers don't break.

"You worry about that sun burn,  dude,"  I say, leaning forward and whispering into his ear. "I'll worry about the fingers."