God Skypes me.

M: Hi God. How is it going?

G: The `how' is a bit complicated, but I settled that eons ago, for now, it basically takes care of itself.

M: Really? I'm dubious about that, but I really meant, "How are you doing?"

G: No need for doubt. The fires in the interior of BC in the early 21st century were part of the original plan. Nothing is so far off.

M: Perhaps. But maybe your goal in all of this is not what I would want it to be.

G: Feeling your mortality? That happens at your age.

M: Ha, ha. I guess I am.

G: I noticed in a recent post that you referred to a guy in his mid 50's as an 'older man'.

M: Yeah. Lisa said the same thing. "He's not older, Daddy, he's later middle-age."

G: Exactly. Middle age is 40-60.

M: Right. Lisa told me that 0-20 is young, 40-60 is middle-age, 60-80 is old, 80-100 is really-old, and beyond that is extra-time.

G: Ha, I call it 'service' not 'extra-time'.

M: But God.

G: Yes?

M: She couldn't figure out 20-40? What is that?

G: Yeah. I'm not sure. I used to call it `young adult' but now that is for stories about sexy vampires.

M: Young adult.

G: But my point was, Mark, that he was not really an older man, he was about your age.

M: Oh, yeah. But it isn't relative is it. And my blog is timeless.

G: Certainly not of this time.

M: And I look a lot younger than him. He was all shaky and stuff.

G: Well, what about your knee?

M: Hey. Could You fix that for me?

G: Have you gone to see a doctor yet?

M: What are You, my Mom?

G: I guess, in a way, I am.

M: I don't get that. But, can You fix it?

G: Sure.

M: Wow. Thanks.

G: I would do the same for a --

M: God! That kind of humour will get you cancelled!

G: Who's going to hear it?

M: I'll put it on my blog.

G: Exactly. Nobody will see it.

M: Wow. Thanks for that too.

G: Anytime. Keep it real.

M: Bye.