Trevor comes to Prague to visit and we go out for pizza and beer with our parents.  He is surprised that our parents are there. "I thought you lost your passport." he accuses our mother.

"Only the passport for the US," she explains, "I still have my European one."

It reeks of insincerity, but Trevor lets it go.  

"Have some more beer then." suggests our father. The panacea.

"Where are you staying?" Trevor asks.

"With Marky!"

"I thought I was staying with you," Trevor looks at me, "Do you have room?"

"Well," I say, "I have two beds."

"But we push them together to make one big one!" my mom says excitedly.  "There is lots of room."  

"Maybe I can just find a hotel for tonight," Trevor suggests.  

"Or," I have a brain-storm, "There is a nice bench outside Jinonice station.  Mom and Dad could sit there tonight."

"Sounds great!" says our father. Our mother nods. They are nothing if not positive.

The next day we take our parents to the Airport and then go downtown. We do all the tourist things.

We buy crystal and have honey-cake.

We go up the tower at Hradcany. It gives a good view of the city and is a nice climb to boot: 300 stairs packed with sweaty tourists.

We go to Vysehrad and walk around the grounds watching the couples making out.

We go to the metro stations and ride the long escalators watching couples making out.

We got to a bar and steal the pretzels off other tables.

All the tourist things.