Lucy and I are out walking on the foot massage rocks at the Parc de Paris. It is cold, but Lucy takes her shoes and socks off anyways. I'm looking towards the coffee vending machine, trying to decide if I can get there and back before Lucy notices I am gone.

God appears out of the trees in big white beard and a puffy black jacket. "Hi Mark. Hi Lucy."

Lucy looks up. Then turns to me to hold her.

"Don't be shy, Lucy." I say, picking her up. "This is God, your god-father."

Lucy looks at Him for a second. He smiles. She smiles back a tentative smile, then buries her face in my shoulder.

I pat her on the back. Then to God: "How'd your show go?"

"It's not finished," He says, "One more week to go. But it is going well. I knew it would. That's why I came. And Mark...."


"It's a 'showing', not a 'show'." He corrects, "I am an artist, not a performer."

"Oh. Sorry." I say, "Is there a difference?"

"Yes." He says. "But no problem."

"I like landscapes." I say, "Do you do landscapes?"

"Urban landscapes. That's the focus of my exhibit in Daejon." He looks at Lucy, "Lucy?"

Lucy looks up, unsure.

"You don't have to be afraid of me." He says, and puts out His arms to her.

Lucy smiles, and allows God to hold her.

"She's really gotten big," he says.

"She's almost three."

"I'm four!" corrects Lucy.

"You're four in Korean, Lucy," I explain, "Koreans count age wrong. In real age, you'll be three in March."

"How old God-daddy?" Lucy asks God.

"So old, Lucy," he says to her.

"This many?" she asks holding out her hand with all her fingers extended.

"This many." God says gesturing at her hand. Suddenly her hand has millions of fingers on it.

"Wow!" says Lucy.

"Wow is right, Lucy." says God. "Wow is right."