The perfect joke
I go out for a run. As I come out of the apartment building I see a guy carrying a treadmill on his shoulders. It isn't a huge treadmill, but undeniably a treadmill. I have the
I go out for a run. As I come out of the apartment building I see a guy carrying a treadmill on his shoulders. It isn't a huge treadmill, but undeniably a treadmill. I have the
I'm walking down a back street, having dropped Lucy off at school. The street is full of kids coming the other way on their way to school. I'm trying to look tough in front
I don't care what the hippies say about a tomato being a fruit, it doesn't belong on a plate with grapes. Maybe if the church wants to regain its dwindling popularity, it should bring
I'm walking down the street, and everything smells of onion soup. I look, expecting to find a overturned bag of dehydrated onions, or perhaps a fellow dipping roast beef into his soup. The only thing I
I take Lucy skating. She wants to be Kim Yuna. We go to the Daegu City Ice Rink. It's a small rink with pullout bleachers pushed back into the wall. We rent skates, and go into
Korea is in the grips of a MERS scare. Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome. A SYNDROME no less; no wonder people are scared. I remember when we used to have Camel Flu’s and Respiratory Viruses. Now it’s
My wife has started reading all sorts of self-help books- philosophy type things about proper living and being a better person. She learns a lot from them, but there is one important thing she doesn't seem