On the route between my house and my office, there is a construction site. They are building a new building for the Engineering school. Outside the walled construction site there are some low cement blocks. Either there is
On the route between my house and my office, there is a construction site. They are building a new building for the Engineering school. Outside the walled construction site there are some low cement blocks. Either there is
I go to the bank to to buy some Japanese yen for my upcoming trip to Okinawa. I ask for 60,000 yen. The teller asks me how I would like it. "With a smile, please."
Eunjoo takes some meat out of the freezer and makes some comment about having to warm it up. An hour or so later, she goes to make something with the meat, but can't find it. She
Lucy opens her Christmas present. It is a pair of ballet shoes with hard toes. She is so excited she lets out a wide-eyed voiceless scream. Getting over it, she says, "I guess Santa decided I was
Benoit visits again. Two days after he leaves, he sends an e-mail that he has lost his pencil-case. I check with the Hotel and they have it. I go downtown to retrieve it. On the way back, I
I'm probably the best eater in my cafeteria. Certainly the fastest. I win the race of the solitary diners. Koreans rarely eat out alone. Many of the meals you can order are cooked in a big
In the morning, having just stirred from sleep, Lucy sees me and whispers, “ I have one secret for you.” “What is it,” I ask, and she motions me closer. I lean in to hear her secret. It is
I’m playing with Lucy in the living room. She is doing something, and I capture her with my legs and pull her towards her. Apparently it infuriates her, “If you do that two more times I’m