Evil Mark
I'm in my office fighting with the notation on a paper I'm writing. Portrayed on television, Math is: Furiously writing long equations on a whiteboard. Then pausing and look thoughtfully at an integral. Then
I'm in my office fighting with the notation on a paper I'm writing. Portrayed on television, Math is: Furiously writing long equations on a whiteboard. Then pausing and look thoughtfully at an integral. Then
Happy New Year. Before we go up to Seoul for the new year, we have breakfast in the cafeteria at the train station. We have tokk soup. Tokk is mushy rice balls. Like the Japanese mochi. We eat
It's cold. I'm in the cafeteria with Lucy and everyone has on the same puffy black snow jacket. Everyone. Everyone but us. It is a parade of black Michelin Men filling their trays with
The North Korean Cow attack I talked of a couple of days ago never materialized. It must have been some sort of dairy farm explosion. I'm sorry if I scared anyone. The North Koreans have now
Santa hasn't come. It's a simple point, but ultimately important -- we have no chimney. Most houses in Korea are heated by underfloor heating. Heated water is sent through pipes in the sub-floor. It
M: Wow. That's your aura? It's way brighter than it used to be. G: I'm in heaven now. So I'm in my natural state-- glowing.
Eunjoo's family has come down to Daegu today. Eunjoo does not stand on ceremony-- Lucy and Jae-un have already opened their presents. Jae-un will have more from Santa on Christmas. Lucy has already opened her present
We didn't have a christmas tree last year. It was a poor man's Christmas. Nor did we have presents. We didn't get around to it. We will tell Lucy that it was