In the middle of Alan Frieze's talk, Mathias pulls out a gum and sticks it in his big mouth. Takuro Mochizuki, in his talk, refers to a result about flat bundles as 'deep'. I
Kanu what?
I have lucked into a life hack that helps mitigate the absurd price of a cup of coffee in Korea. There is an instant coffee, called 'Kanu', in Korea. It is akin to the instant americano
I head up to Seoul for the ICM, the International Congress of Mathematics. I'm nervous. Both Lee Sang-june, and his life-long crush, Ben Green, will be there. Dr. Green is a plenary speaker, and Sang-june is
Planes helping planes
We are on the tarmac of Incheon International Airport waiting for our plane to take off. I look out the window and see a Korean Air 747 mounting a Jinair DC10. Lucy looks across from her seat, and