I'm at the Chim-san Home Plus with Lucy. We come out with a back-pack full of cereal. As I am fighting with the lock on my bike, two girls come up ans start talking to us. Lucy stares past them, wanting nothing to do with them. I respond politely, while strapping Lucy into the bike.

They are from a church, and pushing an agenda. We have all met them before. They are having a parade this Sunday that I assure them we will not be attending.

Then one of them asks if I heard that God is a woman- our holy mother.

"I've never heard that." I lie. We've all met them before.

"It's in the Bible."

"This Bible?" I ask, pulling a dog-eared bible out of my back pocket.

"Ohhhh." They say together. One continues, "It's in the book of Job."

"Job?" I say, they nod. "Well thanks for ruining it for me." I say throwing the book at their feet. "Ever heard of a spoiler alert?!?"

Lucy spits at their feet, and I get on the bike and we ride off.

This is all a little joke that Lucy and I have worked out. I've been carrying that bible around for years. With the expressions on their faces, it was definitely worth it.