We're in a park with Lucy. I tell my wife I'm going to the powder room.

It isn't so affected to say this in Korean.

In Canada, when you have to go pee, you go to the bathroom. There doesn't have to be a bath.

In America you go to the washroom. Of course, you should wash, if you're a good christian, but washing isn't why you are going.

In Japan you just go to wash your hands.  Sure, that's okay.

In the Philippines, you go to the water closet, or the WC if you are in a hurry. This seems to make some sense.

In Britain, you go to the loo. I'm not sure why. Perhaps you are supposed to sing while you are there.

In Korea, you go to the make-up room.

" I'm going to the make-up room, " I announce to my wife, as I walk off.

After a couple of steps, I come back to clarify, before setting off again, " ...to put make-up on."

I retrace my steps again, for a final clarification, " ...after I take a pee."