I leave Prague. I am sad to leave, but am looking forward to seeing my wife. I have trouble getting on the plane because I don't have a Russian visa. They eventually decide it is okay though, because my final destination is Seoul.

In hindsight, I feel someone was looking for a bribe; but eventually realized that I was clueless, and that it was not forth-coming, so gave up on it.  

The airport in Moscow is not the nicest airport I have seen. And it is hot. The Aeroflot plane that we take to Seoul is not in the business of instilling one with confidence.

The Korean couple sitting next to me on the flight give me their Moscow photo-book to look at. It is full of pictures of beautiful cartoon-like buildings - mostly churches - probably.

Handing the book back, I say, "Thanks. Moscow looks very interesting. Lots of churches."

The couple nods as one. Then showing them the page I ripped out of their book, I say, "This one is my favourite."